Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sleeping Thru the Night!

Hooray Eli is finally sleeping through the night!!! Now if I could just get my body adjusted so that I could sleep through the night again we would be golden!! This has been another week of firsts....Eli is so talented he can make raspberry sounds, hold his head up all by himself, and roll over from his stomach to his back!! Before we know it he will be outside with Josh wrestling goats, cutting the sleeves off his shirts, and covered in mud!! Josh can't wait for that because then he will have a little sidekick to help with chores. It seems like Eli changes almost daily and everyday he looks more and more like Josh!

We are getting very excited for Eli's first Christmas. We are heading to Indiana next week to see my family! My brothers Nate and Mike have not met Eli yet so we are looking forward to introducing them. I am looking forward to spending time with everyone it will be nice to be home again!

December has finally come to Wichita....it is snowing and blowing outside and 28 degrees....hard to believe when it was 68 yesterday and sunny!! I like it tho because it makes it feel more like Christmas time!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Well it only took me three months to get this started! I have some catching up to do I guess! Eli is now three months old, weights 15+ pounds and is 26 inches long. Has had many firsts in the last three months first Halloween and Thanksgiving , first smiles, and first laughs! The picture at the top of the blog is one from his three month set of pictures. As you can see he is a pro at making spit bubbles and slobbering!! It is hard work!! I have many more photos that I will add when I get more time ha ha! I can honestly say that being a mom is the most challenging job I have ever had but also the most rewarding! One of my former interns from the animal park asked me today which was easier zookeeping or being a mom. I would definitely have to say zookeeping! They are similar in some ways with respect to feeding and cleaning up after them, but I can't put Eli into a shift stall or cage and leave him there for the night like I could with the animals I used to take care of!! Sorry if you are not a zoo person that was probably not a funny joke! More to come hope you enjoy.........................!